Ich habe keinen Bock.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

The Islands

Venice has four islands surrounding it, and on Friday we set out to explore them. WE took a ferry to the first island, the island of Lido, and headed straight for the beach. It was SO fun. This was probably my favorite thing that we did. The Aegean Sea water was warm yet cool, clear, lacking waves, and filled with seashells. I felt a little bit like I was home again, playing in the ocean. We stayed for a couple hours, playing in the water and burying a couple of the guys in sand, and I enjoyed myself so much.
We then headed to Burano, an island famous for its lace. I was so exhausted from being sick that I actually fell asleep on the boat, sitting up and all. It was a good hour before we docked at Burano, so it was past 2:30, and we were starving, so we went to eat. Afterwards we walked around, saw some women make lace, and admired the quaint little houses on the canals. In some ways the houses looked like the houses in San Francisco- bright, tacky colors, no room in between, tiny, vertical, and quaint. We ended up skipping the other two islands, Torcello (which just had a church on it), and Murano (famous for its glassblowing), because we were so tired and it was getting late in the afternoon (plus it took an hour to get back to Venice).
That night we ate dinner at McDonald’s- kind of sad, I know. But McDonald’s has never tasted so good. I was full for the first time since we had arrived in Venice. The food was good, but portions were small and there wasn’t a whole lot of variety, so a Big Mac really hit the spot. It was a good day, though. I had so much fun playing in the Aegean Sea.


Blogger Landon said...

"The Aegean Sea water was warm yet cool." What does that even mean? I think there must have been narcotics in your italian chocolate milk.

8:20 AM  
Blogger Elizabeth said...

Remember how you were going to learn how to think abstractly? Well, the water wasn't cold, it was warm, but it wasn't hot, it was cool. It was that refreshing right in the middle temp that feels so good in the shower after a long run. Did that make any sense?

7:46 AM  

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