Ich habe keinen Bock.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The Garden

So on Thursday night, our first night here, we went to an Italian restaurant as a group. There was pizza and pasta, and it was our task to decipher what came with each option. Some things were easy like “Mozzarella” and “Tomatensauce.” But some things were harder, like “Schinken” (Ham). Lexi decided upon a nice simple plate of spaghetti adorned with basil, and Elizabeth decided upon the “ Delicato” pizza, adorned with Mozzarella, Tomatensauce, Rokule, Shrimps, and Granakase.
Shrimp sounded great to Elizabeth, and “kase” is cheese, so Granakase must have met grated cheese. So far, so good. Now for the Rokule. Having no idea what it could be, she asked the director of the program, who is fluent in German. “Must be some kind of cheese,” he said. And so the order was placed.

After several minutes, the waiter arrived carrying what appeared to be a salad. He placed it in front of Elizabeth and said, “Delicato.” She was thoroughly confused, but upon further inspection there were shrimps underneath this garden and there was grated cheese on top. Evidently Rokule is a green related to the dandelion, but thankfully it is not as bitter. The garden actually tasted pretty good, and Elizabeth had the bonus of a salad with her meal.


Blogger Landon said...

Veal Marsalla... Chicken Primivera... Fettucinni Alfredo...

8:15 AM  

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